Wondershare Mockitt - Flowchart Maker

Flowchart - Help Your Work More Efficient and Effective

  • Complete guide on creating all types of flowchart.
  • Plenty of flowchart examples and templates for inspiration.
  • Best flowchart software recommendation.
  • Basic flowchart knowledge to understand flowchart better.

Flowchart Definition & The Process to Create a Simple Flowchart Online

Organizations prefer representing sales funnel, working hierarchy, operation management, and other tasks visually. And flowchart is the best option to communicate and describe the processes is a clear and effective way.

Before we proceed to the "how" part, it's crucial to clarify the "what" in terms of the flowchart. Learning how to create a simple flowchart online & offline isn't complicated. Yet, it is the purpose and flowchart meaning that holds value in the matter.

With this guide, we will describe flowchart meaning and teach you how to draw them in two ways. Let's explore and see how creative we can get with a simple flow chart.

The Definition of a Flowchart

A flowchart is a diagram that represents processes and workflow. And there couldn't be a simpler explanation than that. It is a formalized graphic representation of logical sequence, work/manufacturing process, organization chart, and other similar formalized structures.

The whole purpose of the representation is to allow people to understand the procedure in a common language or with a specific reference point.

By using a conventional set of symbols and connecting lines, the flowchart explains the systematic progression for a solution model. In various fields, a flowchart is used for analysis, designing, management, and documentation of program and process flawlessly. Depending on the solution model that you need, there are four types of flowchart available for use, including:

  • Document flowchart
  • Data flowchart
  • System Flowchart
  • Program Flowchart

All these types are for document-flow, data-flow, physical and resource level representation, and program control respectively within a system. The most appropriate scenario to use a flowchart is to develop an understanding of a process followed by studying the process for improvements. This helps in communicating with the team to learn about their tasks and document a process.

In practice, two of the above flowcharts are preferably used for solution planning, i.e., system and program flowcharts.

4 Steps to Make a Simple Flowchart

To have a deeper understanding of the flowchart meaning, you will have to learn the symbols, their shape, and relative use as well. Before we start drawing a flowchart online or offline, it's important to determine the purpose.

#Step 1: Map out Process Highlights

Log in to the Google Doc and start with the mapping of the blocks that you will use in the diagram. Select Insert option > Drawing > New > and use the shape icon to add shapes and lines to connect them.


It'll contain the key highlights of the process with brief headings. In this step, you can brainstorm the ideas that will enhance the features of the flowchart. Insert the starting block and work your way through the end of the process. We will describe which tasks hold more value in the process and need to be mentioned separately.

#Step 2: Fill Key Details

Gather all the information that we'll be using to explain the process flow. Working in the natural order of process is ideal when we are drawing a flowchart. So, start from the top and fill the details carefully to communicate with the readers without saying much.

flowchart online

The second step is all about providing the input that will cover the aspects of the mapping process. You can consider using different colors in the shapes to set a particular apart from the rest of the process.

#Step 3: Test Results & Gather Feedback

Once you compile a simple flow chart, ensure that it is clear and exhaustive. One common mistake that many designers make is leaving an open-end node in the chart. So, make sure that you cover all the decision points carefully. During this, show the diagram to a few readers and get their insights to improve the flowchart.

#Step 4: Publish or Export Flowchart

You need to pay attention to ensure that the flowchart conveys the information in a way that is easy to comprehend. Make necessary changes and give final touches to the flowchart. Now save it or download the flowchart document.

flowchart is

Making even a simple flow chart can be challenging if you don't have the right tool at your disposal. Hence, we recommend using alternatives like Mockitt, which provides better functionality and flexibility for flowchart designing.

Create a Simple Fowchart Online

Wondershare Mockitt is a professional product design and collaboration platform that can help bring ideas to life. With its primary functions, it gets easier to contemplate the complex tasks of designing. The key functions involve:

  • Asset
  • Design
  • Presentation
  • Handoff
  • Cloud
  • Collaboration

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You can use this tool after a simple sign up. We will need to use the Widget and Icon feature to create a simple flow chart with Mockitt. Here's what you need to do.

Step 1: Start by sign up, and the website will redirect you to the dashboard. Specify the project and click on the icon to open a new window of the workspace. You can choose among the different templates from the available ones.

flowchart online

Step 2: As the project opens up, you will see Fast Widgets on the left side. Use any of the three ways to add widgets in the canvas of your choice:

  • Drag the widget to the screen
  • Double-click on the widget
  • Press hotkeys and draw
flowchart is

Step 3: On the right-side interface, Built-in Widgets, My Widgets, and Icons section will appear. You can also add them by double-clicking on the widgets or dragging them on the canvas. Add the shapes as per flowchart criteria and save the flowchart online.

You can access these files online whenever you want and use the flowchart for various purposes or download them right away with the "Download" option.

simple flow chart

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Final Words

We covered what a flowchart is and how we can create one in this guide. Using Google Doc or designing a flowchart in Word will prove to be a hassle for most people. And the task can be simplified if you have access to a handy and intelligent tool like Mockitt. Try it and tell us how your experience was with Mockitt to help us improve.