2 Ways to Export Figma to Adobe XD

Finding Figma or Adobe XD Alternative? Try This Out!

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Figma is one of the top UI/UX design tool with vast features that improve its overall functionality. One of the things that make it popular among many designers is that it allows for team collaboration. It also works on any type of operating system running on a web browser. Windows, Linux, Macs and Chrome books can be used with it.

Some one may ask 'Can I import Figma Projects to Adobe XD?' The answer is 'Yes'. designers can do this to create interfaces that are user friendly and valuable to end user across different platforms. This article offers you some tips on how to export Figma to XD and also gives detail on the best Adobe XD and Figma Alternative - Wondershare Mockitt.

Part 1: Why Need to Convert Figma to XD

There are many reasons that need to import Figma to Adobe XD. One of the reasons is that this allows for easy collaboration since it becomes easy to work on the different files at the same time.

This also makes the work easy since you can use the converted files on any type of operating system. You also get several pages in a single file that encourage consistency in colour, symbol design and allow for easy editing. Besides, you can use it in several operating systems and devices as well.

Part 2: 2 Ways for Exporting Figma to Adobe XD

It is easy to export Figma to Adobe XD following these methods.

Way 1 - SVG Method to Export Figma to XD

This method makes use of SVG files that are already converted from the Figma artboards. Then, the files get imported into Adobe XD. There are two ways to do it.

import figma to xd

Source: Figma

*Method 1:

Step 1: Choose artboard in Figma.

Step 2: Select artboard and then right click.

Step 3: Choose copy/paste.

Step 4: Copy as SVG, now the artboard is ready to be pasted into Adobe XD.

*Method 2:

Step 1: Select artboard in Figma.

Step 2: Export it from the right hand toolbar under the export area.

Step 3: Copy and paste or drag the file to Adobe XD.

SVG method makes the text be converted into a path, meaning you cannot edit. So if you are planning to do edits later, this is not the right method to use. It works well with simple files that do not have complex elements.

Way 2 - Recreational Method to Convert Figma to Adobe XD - Use Converter

This export Figma to Adobe XD method involves recreating your files from scratch in Adobe XD using the older files as your reference. It is a process that takes a lot of time and is not scalable.

convert figma to xd

Source: XD 2 Sketch

Steps to Use Figma to Adobe XD Converter

The Figma to Adobe XD converter does not do export directly. It helps in converting Figma files to Sketch that you then import into Adobe XD. Here are steps to follow.

Step 1: Enter link to the Figma file into the converter. Ensure the file is public.

Step 2: Enter your email and clock upload now. You get to see the download as it happens with a progress bar and see the preview of the file.

Step 3: If you are satisfied with what you see in the preview, click convert now.

Step 4: Choose the plan and finish the checkout allowing the file to convert.

Step 5: Download your file.

Step 6: Open your file in Adobe XD and that is all.

One of the things you note is that the layers are preserved well and it is easy for you to edit. This is the best option to export Figma to adobe XD.

Part 3: The Best Adobe XD and Figma Alternative

Wondershare Mockitt is the best Figma and Adobe XD alternative. It is good to switch because it is easy to work with. It combines vector graphic design tool, prototyping tool and flowchart tool together. There are many built-in widgets, components, ready-to-use templates.

figma adobe xd alternative

Once Sketch files get uploaded to Wondershare Mockitt, it becomes easy to automatically export images of several resolutions. If you are using iOS or android, you can opt to select the right resolutions and be able to export global images with a single click. You do not waste time as you export the files.

Watch a Video Tutorial to Learn More in Details

If you wonder how Mockitt performed and why it can be the replacement for Figma and Adobe XD. Watch this video to learn the features and the way of using it! Try Mockitt Prototype Designer to use pre-made templates and edit by yourself!


Above are the two ways for importing Figma projects to Adobe XD with ease. Choose the one that fits you to start your design. Besides, we also offer a brand new prototype tool - Wondershare Mockitt for replacing Figma and Adobe XD if you need to.