Wondershare Mockitt - Web Design Tool

Web Design - All Types of Webpage Design

  • Complete guide on how to design website.
  • Plenty of web design examples and templates for inspiration.
  • Best web design software and books recommendation.
  • Great web design ideas for different styles of page like real estate, restaurant and hotel.

5 Amazing Hotel Website Designs for your inspiration

Every UI/UX designer faces a hard time creating an exemplary website design when it comes to adding booking feature. You can't get a grip on the first try. The architecture of hotel websites is unique in its own way. It is pretty similar to an e-commerce website as the main goal here is to display your services for sales. A lot of relevant information is required to accomplish a perfect hotel website design. How to make sure your visitors aren't bored surfing your website? What visitors are looking for and which design will interest them the most?

Let us clear your confusion as we have summed some of the best hotel website designs for you.

5 Samples of Best Hotel Website Design

#1: Phos Villas

The best hotel website design should be so genuine that it is beyond the functionality of just providing information regarding accommodation or booking rooms. The interface of Phos Villas is a great example. Through attractive parallax scrolling and extraordinary storytelling, Phos Villas gives a mini-tour to the visitors of the Phos region. They have done their best with custom audio-visual graphics. Their website design is the most trending on the internet.

The homepage design of this website triggers a surrealist approach. They have decorated and enhanced images of Phos landscape with spheres that are identical to planets, image is changed after every move in the sky like a circle. They have also added a feature of scrolling through the parallax journey, to find more information about the latest deal on villas and your desired region. All the information to contact them is added at the bottom of the homepage.

hotel website design

#2: Conscious Hotels

Conscious Hotel is famous for its eco-friendly spaces. They have a chain throughout Amsterdam. Their hotel homepage is one of the best hotel website design of 2020. Their chain website consists of a lot of information, therefore the main goal here is to allow the user to get the required information as quickly as possible. And that is something their website design delivers, via some hard work and wizardry design.

The website homepage includes many features such as a breadcrumb navigation menu which is on top of a hero image of an eco bar, along with a CTA and a language selector in the right upper corner with country flags. These buttons practically drop down all the options available - which helps. These buttons are considered as a winning feature as your scroll further down the homepage, the menu will be fixed against a white background. If you want to combine engagement and usability for great UX experience then this hotel website design can be proved a great sample.

best hotel website design

#3: Hôtel Particulier Montmartre

Sometimes a website design takes a little more time loading due to audio-visual graphics and effects. Meanwhile, the visitors should have a diversion to look at, or else they will think that they are in the wrong place wasting their time. Hôtel Particulier Montmartre does a great job regarding their hotel booking website design. It includes a splash screen Palladian building screen outline while the homepage is loading. It delivers a confirmation that the website is working and shows a hint about what they're about to witness.

Once you arrive at the homepage, the brutalist design and large fonts fill the center of the screen. They did their best to make eye-catching website design, so it can easily draw attention. A CTA and a language button are added on the homepage which is clearly visible. They have also added a radio button to change images and find the room they require.

best hotel website design 2020

#4: Le Mirabeau

Le Mirabeau's enlists in the hotel website design awards nominees from Switzerland because of its stunning and amazing homepage graphics. They have added two merged photos that switch in panorama style, from city overview to the hotel's façade view. The way transition is developed on the website design feels like the view of the hotel is being reflected in a pond. They score tops for marvelous audio-visual design.

Le Mirabeau's hotel website design also adds an interactive cursor that is followed around the entire screen with a spotlight, like a flare shining on the façade at night time, and in landscape mode, it ripples on water. If you go further down the homepage, they used carousel images to display their different packages on offer such as gourmet restaurants and spa, along with the booking of their rooms. The main navigation menu button is designed to stay fixed as you scroll down, it takes you to a simple list. Every hotel page consists of like fast information, contact details, and other offers.

hotel booking website design

#5: Bellevue Syrene

Bellevue Syrene did a fine job with their hotel web page design. A detailed storytelling journey with fascinating images of the landscape and the Gulf of Naples are provided. The website design includes great use of the decorated fonts, high-resolution images, and overlapping elements.

Keeping aside the storytelling scrolling experience, the website design intimates you to click on the buttons given beside the images to change them, or else they will keep changing automatically. An attractive transitional effect is added if you slide over the image to the right. The interesting part of the design is that they have a circle with a number in its center. This shows what number the image is showing and how much time it will take to load the next one. If you want to change the next image manually you can click on "bar, restaurant" or "breakfast". This website design is a great example of a functional and creative hotel homepage sample.

a hotel web design awards

Create Your Own Hotel Website Design

A beginner UI/UX creator writes a single line of code from scratch for every app developed. Once you are tired of developing a certain type of mobile app and website design, wouldn't you fancy a favor of such a tool that builds quick prototypes? This is where Wondershare Mockitt hops in. With the assistance of this tool, you can create a mobile app wireframe and website design within a few minutes. If it wasn't for this tool you would be still stuck in writing several lines of code for the same prototypes. In this article, we will try to give you information about the useful features of Mockitt and some solid reasons why every app developer or website designer should use this tool.

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hotel web page design

Let us give you an overview of Mockitt. It is a mobile prototyping tool that assists you to generate or create interactive mobile app wireframes and website designs in short amount of time. A well-organized workspace is available to work including drag and drop features ensuring no code is needed. You can use this online platform without any hesitation to develop your mobile apps or create various website designs. Once you are finished with your prototype you can easily save it with your Pc, laptop, or even iOS or Android devices.

If we go in-depth, we will find many features and advantages of Mockitt. You can enjoy free version's abundant assets. You can directly use widgets and icons. You can make any website design or prototype with even zero design experience. Mockitt is continuously updating its template list which includes templates for covering e-commerce, industry, finance, education, and other app or website design sectors. You can use screens, widgets from the templates, and even add video graphics with Mockitt. Add a navigation bar or make a carousel to website design.

hotel website design

Many transition and gesture effects are available which includes 17 different screen transition effects and 9 gesture, along with the custom micro-animation and magic move, which allows you to give it your best without coding. Mockitt has made interface design and interaction quick. It consists of a fully stocked built-in asset library, just drag and drop to create interactions and beautiful interfaces. Import custom design files from the computer directly to add interactions. Here you can drag and import images easily.

The limitless features of Mockitt don't end here. You can visit its official site for more details and features on website design and mobile prototype apps.

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