Design Simulation in UX Discipline


In the 21st century, digitalization has become a more powerful tool from a marketing perspective. In general, Design simulation is a tool used by engineers, architects, and manufacturers to check the nature of the product before its existence. It also designers and manufacturers to verify the product's dedicated function during its development. No doubt, Design simulation saves time and budget of a particular. This article is all about the behavior of design simulation technologies.

Therefore, in this article, we'll discuss everything about the design simulation like its uses, everyday examples, and most importantly, its relationship between user experience (UX). Well, the introductory part has done now move towards the actual definition of design simulation technologies.

What is Design Simulation?

The term "Simulation" is mostly used in Computer-Aided-Engineering (CAE). In fact, in many industries, design simulation has become a standard of product development. They got many benefits from simulation, which we'll discuss in the next section.

Simulation models are the combinations of mathematical equations that represent the behavior of the system. No doubt, complications may occur during the simulation stage, but it varies on data availability.

Simulation can be used in different circumstances, like the simulation of technology, testing, education, video gaming, and safety engineering. It can also be used to display the eventful effects of a substitute course of action.

Well, that was about simulation in general. Now back to our main topic, which is design simulation. Nowadays, modern software is more beneficial than ever. They are capable of designing remarkable models. Before design simulation, designers create different prototypes of a single product for only testing purposes, leading to the time-consuming and high cost of product development. Well, that was before the arrival of simulation software. Design simulation ensures to create fewer prototypes, save time, and money for your organization.

It helps engineers to find the inefficiencies and poor choices of the design before a machine work. Some rumors, or you can say misconceptions, are going around about the design simulation, is that the design analysis takes time and cost; in reality, it never happens. By design simulation before its actual production, a more reliable product will be created.

Related article: Scenario Design in UX Discipline

An Example of Everyday Design Simulation

There is no question that the design simulation solves real-world difficulties safely and efficiently. It's better to understand design simulation with an everyday example. Let's takes a car design example for simulation.

To get better aerodynamics of a car, suppose an automobile maker uses multiple production units to judge a sole design element. The prototype of every single design element of a vehicle is comparatively expensive to build. Without any doubt, it will take more time to complete a single-car design.

To overcome this situation, design simulation (Virtual Testing) take place. With simulation, you don't have to create any physical prototype at all. All you need to do is to draw your 3D car design from scratch digitally. Of course, from some professional and well-experienced designers. All 3D arrangements are made in 3D CAD software. 3D CAD is a robust tool to create a realistic design and represent the physical object digitally. It does not only contain the real data but looks as accurate as a fundamental unit.

A range of 3D CAD software such as TinkerCad, Solidworks, AutoCAD, FreeCAD, TurboCAD, and many more are available in the market. It depends on which software is revolutionary enough to meet today's complexities. Every part of a car designed on 3D CAD is so to the point that it can be considered a prototype.

A digital designer can easily modify a car's existing design by digitally drawing on the system's screen, unlike a physical prototype. They can change the car's dimensions and change the interior and exterior without working on the physical vehicle. Isn't it effortless to work with 3D CAD software?

Well, this was the typical example of a simulation-based design of the car. Next, we'll see the common uses of design simulation.

Common Uses of Design Simulation

Design simulation is used in a wide range of organizations as well as academic purposes. But more often, it is used in engineering disciplines for architecture perspectives. Below are few examples where simulation mostly works:

  • Electrochemistry: Researchers or scientists use simulation to design micro and nano stuff for new generation battery technology. This will help them to increase the capacity and reduce the charging time. Moreover, it also ensures the safety of the battery and its lifetime.
  • Telecommunication: In telecommunication, design simulation is used to identify the maximum and minimum ranges of antennas to base stations. The simulation also helps 5G telecom engineers and designers to solve the problems in moving transportation. They also test the new telecommunication protocols by mobile devices, use algorithms under various structures.
  • Geology: You wonder what is the relationship between geology and simulation? Well, geologists and seismologists use simulation tools to understand the relationship between different types of soil, rocks, and concealed structures. They use design simulation to predict the effects of earthquakes on the surface shivering that they occur.
  • Optics: Well, the simulation has been quite remarkable found in the field of optics. With the help of simulation, engineers identify the properties of optics material containing nano-scale surface design. It won't be an easy thing to do if simulation doesn't exist.

Many other engineering and technical industries using design simulation models to overcome the problems of prototyping. But here, we've mentioned those of which you haven't imagined.

Now move to our next and last section about the design simulation.

The Relationship Between Design Simulation and UX

There's a deep relationship between design simulation and user experience (UX). As we discussed above, with simulation, you get rid of the things like prototyping. Prototyping has been a headache for most designers. When can you digitally design anything and test it like a real-world example? Why would you create different prototypes to better the user experience?

If you're working on a more significant project, make sure to use simulation tools for assistance. Or, if you're just working on a single web page design, template design, or user interface design, then you can go with prototyping. As you know, user experience is a key aspect of every organization. No one would compromise the user experience—simulation tools here to rescue the designer's struggles.

Summing up the topic! Well, that's all about the design simulation. In this article, we've discussed almost every factor about simulation tools exactly what simulation is? How it can be helpful in modern technologies. In fact, the simulation tool itself is modern technology. We've also gone through its uses where it can be useful for organizations. And don't forget about its importance and uses in everyday life examples.

At last, we've also discussed the relationship between design simulation and user experience (UX). Many designers and developers struggle with the user experience, so we decided to create content on simulation, how it can be beneficial to better the user experience without creating different prototypes.