10 Good UX Examples for Beginners

ux example

Like in all other expeditions you may engage in life, growing your UX products takes resources and time. Some of the things you need to do include boosting your revenue per user, expand your customer base and reduce customer churn. Before you get involved in UX design, it is good to check some of the top UX examples so that you can get some inspiration from them. There are many top-notch user experience examples you can look at how they are done so that you can also apply some of the techniques and principles to apply in your design. Wondershare Mockitt handpicked the following 10 good UX design examples to illustrate specific principles of good UX Design, from simplicity to gamification.

1. Patagonia's feedback precision

Patagonia is a clothing firm that has perfected its UX design. From the copy of their site to all zips of the products offered, they are all aligned with the company goals and values. Having unspecific feedback on a site is not helpful. For instance, "not working" is useless, and having beautiful imagery is also useless if you lose context of the location of users as they submit feedback. Patagonia solves this issue by allowing its users to set the context of the comments they make by clicking their location on the region part of their website. The element and comment are sent to the company database.

By doing this, Patagonia interprets the insight in the correct way to help them make the right improvements in the company.

2. Topshop's talking tactics

Topshop works in the highly competitive fashion industry, making it essential for them to offer a slick experience. With the high competition in the women's fashion industry, attaining a competitive edge can be difficult. Most fashion clothing websites usually adhere to high design standards to avoid confusing buyers with unnecessary UI education. Doing this makes it hard for buyers to differentiate. Topshop is one of the good UX examples because the company performs thorough research to figure out what can add more value to their users. The design has a tab "Hey you, let's shop together" which is an enticing and intriguing message that helps the company have as many users as possible. There is a bold request "We'd love to call you as you shop online today". When users agree, a skype request gets sent, a screen share is requested and then the session starts. This is a powerful way to empathize with the users they have designed the UX design for.

3. Google sheets' multifaceted check-in

Despite the high popularity of Google, it still talks to its users to improve their ongoing optimization. The company does this so that they can determine the why behind the what. To ensure that it does not get swapped by qualitative data, the company chooses its question carefully to get the specific answers needed. The company applies several multiple choices and open questions to make their research stronger. The specificity of the questions helps them be more focused on what is important. The company asks the users why they use their products, which helps understand their specific needs, thus helping the company offer the right solutions. Google also asks what users think, expect, and need for its products. This helps the company get correct insight promptly.

4. ClassPass' well times feedback modals

ClassPass has access to a worldwide network of various fitness studios to attain their fitness objectives. There are several ways, and options to maintain fitness. ClassPass has a UX design that makes it friendly to beginners. It ensures it gets the right feedback on all the classes fast to make sure that they are providing an experience that the users can have confidence and trust. The other way that ClassPass applies to get feedback on a certain event is the other time that the users log in to their accounts. To leverage the moment, ClassPass has a modal to get the users' review of the class and more important the ability level they felt it was. With this collective knowledge offered by the users, the company categorizes their classes accurately instead of depending on their own interpretation.

5. Mountain warehouse's last chance request

When users click through a promotion panel on your website homepage, they may find something that piques their interest. They usually take the desired action and then arrive at a point of conversion. In most cases, funnels are susceptible to leaking and this makes most sites lose users at this vital point despite that the site is working fine. Mountain warehouse which focuses on outdoor gear has a perfectly timed feedback widget. This strategy grabs the insight before it is gone. The widget is not special, but the question is open and short to capture all the opinions and thoughts at this point. Timing is a key element. Mountain warehouse does not disturb the users who are already happy and are well as they convert. The company uses the widget that targets particular targeting criteria. In case the users take longer than normal, it fires back to find out what is stopping them.

6. Gmail's concise check-in

A Good UX design should not only focus on knowing that customers are happy but more so, it should also allow for criticism to know what is going wrong. Most sites use a blanket approach to collect feedback which makes them not get the right feedback. When Gmail Inbox was launched, Google provided the users with the option to move to the new interface, but also a chance to get back to the old one if they are not happy with the new one. If a user gets back to the old option, they have a reason for that. Google takes this opportunity to know why by asking "Tell us what is not working for you". This helps them make the right improvement to the new interface.

7. Customer.io's in tool NPS survey

NPS scores get collected at the end of a user experience. This is the time the user has completed the tasks intended in a successful way. The user is in the right position to give great feedback. Good UX design examples involve thinking carefully about how and when you ask for NPS feedback from the intended users. Customer.io has a good UX design with tooltips and modal that do not cause a distraction to the users and are timed right. Customer.io has a modal on their campaign's overview page as it is part of the journey where the users are either beginning, finishing, or in between the two. At this point, the users are likely to have more opportunities to answer all questions. The site also asks questions sparingly and does not bug them.

8. Quip's gentle check-in

As a UX designer, if you are not gathering data elsewhere, you want the users to give elaboration beyond a numerical answer to achieve a better understanding of what is happening. This makes it possible for you to spot the themes and patterns why your items at times get scored at 1 and at other times at 9. Quip bolts ask relevant questions that can help them get deeper into the user's NPS score. The question, "What could be improved most in Quip?" helps to quantify certain areas of concern within the product. This is a question that helps you to know the features to focus on to give a better user experience. The UX design helps identify ways to identify problems and solve them.

9. GmodStore's Trello collaboration

This is one of the good UX design examples because the designers revealed their road map so that they can know what their users think about their future plans. Users can view what they are working on and what they have just released. They do this by just clicking on the cards and vote for the features they like more. The UX design approach used does not only help in validating future plans but also allows users have a deeper engagement with the product. This leads to more loyalty, trust, and more valuable feedback. This also acts as a great motivating factor to the UX design team because they find that the users like what they are doing.

10. Elon Musk's all-ear approach

As a UX designer, you do not have to wait for users to provide feedback about your product through the online widget. It is necessary to go out there and get through conversations. Social media gives you space where you can listen and learn from your customers informally. It takes time, but the quality of the feedback you get is worth your time. Elon Musk's all-ear approach leverages social media to get feedback from the users. They take the feedback given through tweets seriously and make the right improvements. It is a good UX example that is fully backed by the users.


UX is simple and in order to succeed you do not have to complicate it. This is a great mistake that most designers make thinking that with a complex design, it looks more professional. It requires that you listen and then make the right improvement depending on what you have learned. To listen, you should have enough time which is a scarce resource in the industry. By looking at the above good UX examples, you can find some of the simple techniques used and insights to help you out.