Interactive Environments in UX Discipline

space interactive


Go far or Go wide are the two aspects that define the technological advancements we see today. From small wearable devices to interactive websites and multi-touch technologies that offer a more in-depth and convenient experience, there has been a lot of change in the recent decade.

With just a hand wave or saying out loud what you need to know, one can easily interact with the technology today. Human and machine interaction has enticed everyone for generations, which is what interactive environments are related to.

Offering the users an experience that is engaging with a long-lasting impact, interactive space websites have a more effective and meaningful way of engaging customers. In fact, 90% of consumers today expect a website to have interactive self-service components for better and quicker access.

It is a fascinating reality that allows brands, educators, businesses, and various others to engage their target audience by utilizing the comprehensive interactive space most effectively and efficiently.

What are Interactive Environments? - A Brief Introduction.

The interactive environment uses a technology-based interface that reacts or responds to the user's questions and queries in the most seamless manner. Computer-based media can take the form of a website with the embedded videos, animations, simulations, or any game-based model or training interface with interactive media.

Further, the interactive environments can be a 2D or 3D virtual representation of the objects, space, or artifacts that can be explored and analyzed using the controlled programming. Offering a multi-sensory experience that is engaging, memorable, informative, and inspiring, the interactive space can respond to touch, gestures, sound, or body movements.

There are five important things that one needs to consider to create an interactive space that can achieve the objective in the best possible manner:

  • Words: Simple to understand and easy to read text that offers the right amount of information to users and allows them to communicate most simply is important.
  • Visual representations: The use of icons, images, graphics, and other related interactive media should supplement the words and help communicate the idea most efficiently.
  • Physical objects or space: It is the medium through which the user interacts with space or website. Designing one that is compatible with all hardware like mobile, tablets, laptops, and others is important.
  • Time: The actual progress with the help of sound, animation, and tracking allowing users to know how much time has lapsed can help smoothen the interaction.
  • Behavior: The ability to record the action and reaction of the users to various stimuli, products, or services can help in improving the further interactions.

Interactive environments are not just used in one place but have a wide application making them one of the most important technological upgrades. Offering a holistic environment by appropriately implementing all five key factors, one can see the wide range of applications in everyday life.

An Example of Everyday Interactive Environments.

Space interactive designs are among the most important factors that can bring an engaging and effective base of clients or users for any business. A design or technology that allows the customers to share their experiences, ask questions, get quick responses, and have a fun-to-interact experience is beneficial.

The most common example of the everyday interactive environments apart from the physical and social environment we live in is in the websites we use. Most uniquely and creatively, we interact with chatbots, artificial intelligence and seek their support for products or services.

From the opportunity to learn a new language to shop for your favorite product, the websites we use today are all based on interactive platforms. Clicks, swipes, downloads, and various actions the user performs on the websites are all part of the interactive space websites. Offering an immersive experience, the interactive platform offers an edge over the competitors.

The learning platforms like Duolingo, My Grandmother's Lingo to websites like 30 pieces, 30 species, designed to create awareness about endangered species, every platform use the interactive space to create impactful and effective content. Statistically speaking, 82% of companies prefer using interactive platforms like AR/VR as the benefits of implementing such platforms far exceeded their expectations.

Common Uses for Interactive Environments.

Living in the golden age of quality where businesses and educational houses can transform their potential base of users to active users using interactive environments, one can see immense benefits in the long run. Ranging from a comprehensive range of uses, some of the most common uses of the interactive environments are listed down below:

  • Learning is fun

Learning is a fun experience when assisted with interactive platforms. Using the quizzes, puzzles, visuals, and sounds, the interactive spaces make the learning experience quite immersive. Using engaging media and incorporating a variety of interactive content can make an impactful and long-lasting learning experience. Interactive space websites can help learn new concepts easily and remember content effectively.

  • Navigate quickly

The use of interactive space in navigation sites and applications is quite widespread. Using the relevant keywords and inputs, the user can get easy navigation to the destination without hassle. Also, small additions like the key locations to visit around are among the primary features of the interactive media application.

  • Revolutionize gaming

Pokemon Go is the finest example of interactive space use. Gamification is one of the most popular techniques that is widely respected. Using tools like visual aids, in-game communication, and various embedded features can enhance the gaming experience to a great extent.

  • Feedbacks made simple

Customers or users usually find offering feedback quite monotonous. Using a series of questions and marking them on a scale is the most common way to collect feedback but users usually avoid it. Using the interactive space to ask questions that make customers respond is the best way to collect feedback.

  • Shopping made easy

By creating an interactive shopping experience, the customers can easily check for the product they are looking for with a click. From product personalization to mobile shopping applications, the use of space interactive makes it easy for retailers to engage the customers and spike sales.

interactive space


The relationships between Interactive Environments and UX.

While there is a comprehensive range of applications of interactive environments, it is equally important to know the relationship between interactive environments and UX. The use of interactive platforms offers a customer experience that is not only meaningful but also impactful.

The relationship between the two can be understood by the points below:

  • Interactive features complement the business goals by offering resources and time to interact and connect with the customers.
  • The use of interactive space creates a more personalized and customized approach that is encouraging for the customers for future visits.
  • The website's appearance looks fresh and up-to-date to users enabling them to make informed decisions and increase their stay period.
  • By using interactive space websites, the brands create positive experiences for the customers building a base of loyal customers.
  • When the user experience has been enhanced, the chances of transforming the potential users to engaging customers are quite high.


The goal-driven design with a touch of gamification and interactive environments has changed the technological landscape to a great extent. Developing an immersive experience where users feel encouraged to act and interact, the interactive platforms create a deeper connection with the customers.

With an array of possibilities and applications, the implementation of interactive space websites can offer a smooth connection between technology and humans, the key to an enjoyable and engaging experience. Undoubtedly, interactive environments will change the way businesses operate, allowing a holistic and comprehensive approach.