Why the Designers Build Dribbble Portfolio?

Getting gigs from any online platform is easier said than done. Ask any freelancer and they will have a list of websites and platforms they are using to get additional work. However, this is a competitive world and not everyone is likely to get the job they are bidding for.

Building your dribbble portfolio and sharing it with your leads is one of the most authentic ways to impress and convert the lead. Before Scoring freelance gigs or even getting a job with your dream organization, make sure that your portfolio is ready and kicking.

Designing is a world where visualizations put forth a solid message and help the client. Your portfolio is the only space where you can show your ability and accomplishments.

We will talk about the importance and the process to promote your dribbble portfolio.

Why is the Dribbble Portfolio so important for Designers?

On dribbble, your portfolio is referenced to as shots. So, all the images, animations, illustrations, and designs that are uploaded on the platforms are called shots.

Here are a few reasons a dribbble portfolio is essential;

1. Show and Tell

This is by far one of the most important reasons to have a portfolio. Dribbble is a public platform, and here the designers can get hired or get in touch with fellow creatives. More than the person, his/her portfolio speaks about their personality and work prowess.

 dribbble portfolio

So, when the hiring managers want to hire someone, they might look at the portfolio before initiating contact with the person. If you are bidding on projects via other networks, then you can share the portfolio dribbble link.

Pro Tip: Keep the Portfolio balanced. Remember that you only have to show your best work. So, don't overdo. Try to rank your projects and add only the top 7 in your portfolio.

2. Be a part of the Community

Dribbble has become so popular that today we call the people on the platform as dribbblers. This means that there is a whole borderless community of dribbblers interacting with each other.

Your dribbble portfolio is your ticket to gain entry into the community and start engaging with fellow dribbblers. Being a part of a community helps you in multiple ways.

  • You share, learn, and grow with others.
  • Build partnerships
  • Take part in events and programs.

Pro Tip: Always have a CTA at the end of your portfolio and contact information. Make it easy for other people to contact you.

3. Strengthens your Chances to hit Bulls Eye

Let's assume that you want to hire a designer for a project and you put out a post. Out of the two responses that you receive, one has included previous projects related to your requirements, while the other has only words and nothing to show for it.

How do you proceed and which designer will you hire?

portfolio dribbble

The one with the portfolio has better chances to get a call because he has given everything that the hiring manager may want to know. Work experience, contact, and expertise.

Pro Tip: Ensure that your portfolio dribbble is clean, smooth, and readable.

4. Get and Give Inspiration

One benefit of becoming a part of the community with your dribbble portfolio is interaction. Another way to look at it involves getting inspired by the designs of other portfolios on dribbble.

Being an active member of the community helps you stay ahead with the latest trends in the industry. Moreover, by creating a portfolio you are spreading the love and letting others learn from you.

Plus, add as many details as you can about the projects. This will help every visitor on your profile to get a better understanding of your work process.

Pro Tip: While writing the descriptions for your portfolios, make sure to proofread them and check for typos. Recruiters take a deep interest in your interest level and meticulousness while applying for the job.

How to Promote your Dribbble Portfolio?

Step one, build a portfolio on dribbble.

Step two, promote your portfolio.

Promoting your dribbble portfolio should be well-targeted and reinforce your brand and vision.

This means that you cannot promote your work like you are dropping a letter at drop box. It is important to follow a process and stick to it while following up on the same.

dribbble portfolio
  • Brand New Feed: Dribbble is lending a helping hand to the new and upcoming dribbblers by sharing their work on the new newsfeed. The content coming on this feed is handpicked by the content team at dribbble.
  • Toggle the Availability Button: Taking note of the uncertain times taking birth due to the pandemic, the dribbble development team has brought the Availability button to the main navigation page. This will help your profile get better visibility and response.
  • Be Specific about What You Do: Share your profession, expertise, and abilities as clearly as possible. The devil lies in the details, right? Things like your job title (if applicable), skills, genres, products you can develop, among others, need to be written in detail.
  • Network to Talk and not Get a Job: More often than not, when we communicate with someone, we try to get things from them. If you are a freelancer approaching a recruiter, don't ask them whether they have some work for you. Get to know them first and ask what they are working on. To ensure that your dribbble portfolio gets noticed, as the right questions to the peers and connections.

Following these things, your portfolio and dribbble account are more likely to get noticed. Lastly, check out the portfolios of other dribbblers, it will help you create yours.

Software that can help with your Dribbble portfolio

The dribbble portfolio comprises your work and designs that you have created in the past, along with its details. But to impress the recruiters, fellow designers, dribbblers, and hiring managers, you need excellent designs. Working with a great tool will help you build impressive and attractive designs.

Creating bespoke designs, wireframes, prototypes, mockups, is the end, but choosing the right tool is the means to that end.

Here are a few tools that designers work with:

  • Wondershare Mockitt
  • Sketch
  • Figma
  • AdobeXD
  • Mockflow
  • Balsamiq
  • InVision
  • Proto.io

Where all the tools are equally efficient, Wondershare Mockitt is better accustomed to help designers create timeless and modern designs.

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Here are a few things that you should know about Mockitt and how it can help you create the dribbbler portfolio.

  • Better Productivity: Mockitt is built to streamline your workflow and help you create a linear process for successfully creating every aspect of the design. Because you can deliver the work while taking care of creativity and usability, Mockitt is an asset to you and your design team.
  • Rich UI Library: Another reason to use Mockitt for the designing work and consequently add it to your portfolio. Dribbble is the place where the design trends come to action, but you can create trend-setting designs with customizations by harnessing the diversity of UI assets provided by Mockitt.
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  • Zero Learning Curve: It doesn't get easier than this. Using Mockitt to create the designs that you need is simple, quick, and easy to implement. Due to this flat learning curve and better components visibility, Mockitt is a great asset for every designer.