Reasons That Make Behance Popular Amongst Designers

One thing that we all have must have heard from every web designer, and other such creative working is that Behance is one of the must-use platforms. But do you know why every web designer suggests us to create a portfolio on Adobe Behance?

Well if you said no, then do follow this post till the end. As here we are going to have a look at all those reasons that make Behance a popular platform amongst designers and other such creative workers.

But before heading forward if you are entirely unaware of the Behance platform then we would like to tell you that it is a creative skills showcase platform with the help of which you would be able to put forward your best works and can create an immense community with people from all around the world.

What is Behance?

We are sure that most of the readers must not have known about Behance platform till now, so let us discuss about this platform thoroughly. Behance is a high-quality and easy to use platform with the help of which you would be able to create a professional portfolio from where you can fetch and share knowledge about your respective fields.

In case if we have a look at the overall traffic of this platform, then we can figure out that most designers are the ones that create their profiles over this platform. This must be because it is famous amongst such people and the overall number of users belonging to designers field are more than others.


There are several features you would be able to get with adobe Behance, let us have a look at all those features:

  • Firstly this platform is straightforward to use, which means anyone can check out the website of Adobe Behance and create their profile easily.
  • You can even get features of Behance, just make sure that you are being highly creative and try to create a unique presence over this platform to bring out the best possible results.
  • Users of this platform can directly publish their designing work, can post pictures and links too. With the help of which your customers or profile visitors can directly visit your work samples efficiently.
  • You can create your own community where you can help other people who want to get started with your creative skills. Hence it is a fantastic platform if you want to share your knowledge and learn new things.

This was all about a short introduction of the Behance platform. In the coming section, we will be having a look at what designers do of Behance.

What can designers do on Behance?

If we have a look at the reasons why designers use Behance then the only answer we would be able to get is, this platform helps you connect with new people who can become leads for your business. Moreover, along with that, you can showcase your creative skills and previous projects completed by you, so that people from all around the world can know about what kind of skills you have and how much experience you have.

Before heading forward to the main section where we discuss what designers can do on Behance let us have a look at how to get started with this platform and create a profile on it.


In the first step, you need to register yourself with this platform, and for doing so, you need to visit the office website and click on register. Under the first step, you would have to fill all your personal details such as your name, email, phone number and all. In case if you do not have time to fill all these details manually, then you can directly click on the profile buttons on the side.

There will be a few profile links such as Facebook, Gmail, LinkedIn and more. From all those options, you can pick any of the options, and you would be able to get all the details filled automatically. Once you have filled all your personal details, then you need to head forward towards the next step where you would have to add your previous projects.

behance app

For doing so, you can directly add links, photos, direct projects and many more. Here's a quick tip, we have noticed that most of the Behance portfolio looks the same, and every such user uses the same tactics for their profile.

If you want to bring out the best possible leads from your Behance profile, then try to create your profile uniquely. You can add the most creative work you have done till now so that more people like your work and you can generate more leads out of it.

Right after that, in the third step, you need to add the most relevant tags related to your creative skills and the kind of work you offer. With the help of these tags, people would be able to find you easily from this vast platform. Whenever they search for the tags added in your profile, you would be able to show up on the search results.

After adding relevant tags, you just need to add your previous work experiences. You can directly add your company name or the name of places where you have worked before, with this you would be able to put a positive impact on people easily.

This was all about the steps to get started with this platform, now the answer to the main question of what designers can do on this platform. So they can showcase their profiles, not only that they can even fetch new customers for their services.

behance meaning

In case if they want to create a community of all belonging to their specific field, then also Behance is a fantastic platform for them.

Why is Behance so popular among designers?

There are several reasons with the help of which we can state that Behance is an extremely popular platform among designers, but we have figured out some of the most important reasons which are as follows:

  • The first reason because of which Behance is so popular among designers is that there is higher traffic of designers on this platform. In research, it was found that Behance has more designer profiles than any other type of creative workers. Hence we can say this is the major reason why most of the designers come to this platform always.
  • The next reason because of which Behance is a popular platform among designers is because all the features that this platform has is perfect for all the designers. They can showcase their products and services efficiently with the help of this platform.
  • You all must have noticed that this platform offers you a complete step in which you can add projects, previous work experiences, links and pictures related to your creative skill, this particular feature is one of the essential things for all the designers.
  • In short, we can say that this particular feature makes this platform a legit option for all the designers out there with the help of which they can show off their skills and get in touch with more number of people.

  • It ranks the designer's tags on the top of the list with the help of which more number of designers would be able to bring out the best possible results.

Software to help your Behance Portfolio:

As we have already discussed, one should try to make their Behance portfolio the most creative and unique with the help of which people can bring more number of people to your profile. Hence the most significant issue people face is with the planning of their Behance portfolio, in case if you are also facing the same issue then you can take advantage of Wondershare Mockitt prototype software.

what is behance used for

With the help of Mockitt, you would be able to create a high-quality prototype for your Behance portfolio. This will help you alot in managing your profile and creating a lead generating profile that works for you.

You can create a prototype using an easy step. Along with that, Mockitt is filled with several latest features that help in bringing out the best possible results.