Behance VS Dribbble, What Are the Differences

Being mainstream digital showrooms for designers and creative artists, both Behance and Dribbble have got a great reputation in the industry. It is no surprise that, as a designer, you are looking to choose one out of two.

Behance vs dribbble is not a fight or a competition. The purpose of both these platforms is the same. Or we can say that they are the two sides of the same coin. Only the way Behance dribbble helps designers showcase, communicate, interact, and find work is different.

That is what we aim to deliver with this article. Going forward, you will understand the differences and advantages of using each of the platforms. This will be followed by software that can help you create designs that are worthy of getting attention and response from the audience.

The Difference Between Behance and Dribbble

What do they Do?

Behance Dribbble
The tagline of Behance runs, "to showcase and discover creative work."

Behance allows cost-free joining and onboarding. The users only need to create an account and start adding their work while exploring the world of other designers.

This platform is high on spirits when it comes to community engagement and creating a work-friendly environment for everyone without fear or favor.
Dribbble has a predisposition. It is regarded as a platform for the designers to self-promote and network.

On Dribbble, you can create an account and roam around the platform while looking at the trends, it is not possible to upload anything without getting an invite.

In other words, only if an existing member of dribbble (or a player) invites you to upload content, then only you can do that.

Upon the first review, we understand that Behance dribbble, both the platforms, are akin to a social networking channel. But dribbble by working with an invitation-only system gives a feeling of exclusivity and a closed community.

behance dribbble

What Kind of Content They Have?

Behance Dribbble
Behance believes that we cannot limit the extent of creativity and with this understanding, they allow any type of creative content to run on their platform.

From designs related to architecture, fashion UI, UX, applications, websites, photography, motion, crafts, fine arts, and whatnot.

We can say that you will find a design at Behance for anything under the sky.
After Behance, dribbble comes to our notice and it seems that they have limited the type of content that will come upon the platform.

This perspective is in line with its invitation-only framework and helps uphold their system.

So much so that you will find content related to illustrations, UX/UI design, website, applications, animations, print, branding, mobile, and typography.

Here too, we cannot say that this is a fight between dribbble vs Behance and one of them has to be a winner. The reason being that the motive for Behance to act as a universal digital store and dribbble to limit the player activity, is predetermined.

So, anything that these two platforms do reflects their vision and objective.

dribbble vs behance

Community Interaction

Behance Dribbble
On Behance, any user (member or guest) can observe, comment, and like on a project.

Any user can also tag another designer in the comment section to create smooth communication channels between the designers and members.

Added to this, it is also possible to send private messages directly to another user and create groups of up to 10 members.

But there are some checks on the number of messages one member can send to help avoid spam.
Dribbble does not allow anyone to comment on a design unless they are a player.

Again, being different from Behance, dribbble keeps the privacy momentum. You can also mention another player with a @tag, but here also, you should be a member first.

But, there are no restrictions to like the design and follow other designers.

You cannot message another player on dribbble without getting a Scout membership.

So, if a person wants to hire a designer, they first have to buy a membership plan and then he will get three messages to make contact with the designer.

So, when it comes to social interactivity and communication in dribbble vs Behance, we can say that it is easier and cost-effective to engage via Behance. Dribbble with these features has become a closed community.

After learning about their core differences between Behance dribbble, let's look at their advantages.

The Advantages of Behance and Dribbble

Starting with Behance, we can easily identify that Behance has a large audience base. So, if you are looking to share your work with the masses and get the required response, Behance is the way to go.

Added to this, Behance will also notify your followers when you add new work. This way, they keep everyone in the loop and updated with what's happening and trending.

A few other advantages of Behance to know in the discussion between dribbble vs Behance are;

  • Behance is enabled with a tier-based following. So, if your followers share, comment, or like your work, it will reflect on their dashboard. This way, the followers of that member will see your work, of course, if they choose to do so. But it opens another door to help you promote your work.
  • Cost-effectiveness is another feature of Behance that the members like and one of the reasons they prefer this platform.

Now for the advantages of dribbble, let's start by accepting that we can call dribbble a platform that is exclusively for the designer community only. Its invite-only functions do not allow just anyone to make an account and start engaging.

  • Due to this, the feedback the users receive on dribbble is authentic, constructive, and helpful. Because your profile gets authentic visibility and popularity, you stand to gain by conversing with quality designers who are related to this industry directly.

We can say that both the platforms are great and efficient in their domains. Reiterating the fact, the core vision of Behance and dribbble is not similar, we cannot measure them on the same balancing scale. As a designer, it will be great if you can build a profile on both platforms.

Now that you understand how to look at dribbble Behance, we can move forward to the last part of the article, software to create exceptional designs.

Software that can help with the UI Design

Showcasing the portfolio comes later, first, any designer, irrespective of the work level has to create their magic. The tool used by designers is important to realize their vision and turn it into reality.

So, if you are also looking for a tool that can help create trend-setting designs from scratch or by editing, go for Wondershare Mockitt.

behance dribbble

Mockitt is an online tool that is made to ideate, build and design UI/UX and for prototyping. The big arsenal of features and collaboration-ready aspects of Mockitt makes it an ideal tool for all kinds of designers.

Because you will get access to a blank art board, you can take the design in any direction you want with the tools at your perusal. Things like rich UI assets and libraries, a variety of components, detailed customizations, code-free designing, developer handoff, intuitive, and much more have helped Mockitt become an ideal choice for modern-day designers.

You can create life-like prototypes and decorate them with a dynamic outlook with widgets, transition effects, and animations. With Mockitt, you can share the prototype with your clients and get feedback in real-time.

Because the prototypes are next to reality, it helps the stakeholders get a real end-user experience with the design before even writing a single line of code. This is a tool that redefines how you create your profile on Behance dribbble and helps you develop platform-specific content with the highest form of extensibility and proficiency.