10 Bad UX Examples for Beginners
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Ever ended up in the community support forum of an app seeking answers, only to find the other users are just as lost as you are? If yes, you've most likely been a victim of bad UX. You will find a lot of bad UX design examples even some created by well-known designers.
Most of the major apps also have bad UX that does not offer the users the experience expected. Some other bad user experience examples that fail their purpose. In this article, we offer you 10 bad UX examples and the reason why they are a failure.

1. WhatsApp's delete-message feature
WhatsApp is one of the top-chat apps with its top-notch UX and a well-organized interface. One of the scenarios you experience when using the App is when you create a message to send to a friend but accidentally sends it to someone else. You may send it to a person you do not know or even your workmate. There is no problem with this because there is a delete option. It is possible to delete the message and pretend that you never sent the message. When you delete the message, you find a collection of messages indicating 'you deleted this message'.
Why is it a bad UX?
Informing the recipient, you deleted a message defeats the reason for deleting it in the first place. It makes it look more suspicious and may prompt a response such as why did you delete the message? There is no need to have such happen. The message should be deleted without the other person knowing that there was a message sent to them, but was deleted. What the app does is like blocking the message, but not deleting it.
2. Netflix hover autoplay
This Netflix autoplay feature perturbs users since it was launched in 2015. If you happen to hover over the film or TV thumbnail usually instigates the autoplay of a montage or looped trailer. This means that if you want to see the information or details of the show you have hovered or clicked on, you cannot do it without a loud trailer playing.
Why is it a bad UX?
Auto-anything usually shows that designers have assumed a lot of things concerning the desires of the users. Anything that has automatic audio can be distracting if your focus is somewhere else. It makes you do a lot of work around the hover areas with your mouse in the margins so that you do not trigger the autoplay. The major problem with UX is the audio which should not be set "on" by default. This feature gets in the way of the website's usability or hinders users from accessing vital information, meaning it should not be there.
3. Ryanair's booking platform
If you are a frequent flyer with Ryanair, you may have gotten an unpleasant experience with its booking platform. No one expects that booking a weekend out can cause a lot of problems. Its booking interface can be termed as a bad UX. It has UX design tactics making the experience more confusing and complicated in a way that makes users spend more money than they would have expected with the hidden add ons. For instance, you find the option of no insurance hidden within a totally unrelated menu. This makes it hard for you to find it.
Why is it a bad UX?
Ryanair's booking platform is one of the bad UX examples because it misleads and confuses users in selecting some options instead of others. The main intention of doing this is to help more income for the company. It turns the user flow into a more complex course you have to navigate instead of being a simple process you enjoy.
4. Apple's storage management system
During the time-sensitive, priceless moments that need to be captured on camera to give memorable experiences, you need instant storage of such moments. Such moments may include your kid walking for the first time or when you spot your favorite celebrity in your local hotel. However, you get disappointed when you get an instant message telling you that your storage is full and it is not possible to take the photo. This is what you get from Apple's storage management system.
Why is it a bad UX?
There is no sign on what your/users' options are here. It is paramount that the system should show you how many photos require to be deleted so that you can make new ones at that moment. It should also show the amount of storage that requires clearing. With no snapshot information, you are less likely to go to the setting to make the necessary changes.
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5. Super long dropdowns
At times you may find it down to choose your nationality from an infinite dropdown and with no search bar insight. This causes more inconveniences if you come from a country like the UK that has several names such as Great Britain, United Kingdom, or Britain. It is tiring to go through a lot of countries to look for yours.
Why is it a bad UX?
The long dropdowns that do not have filters or subheadings consume a lot of your/user's time especially if you are not sure what you are looking for. It lacks a text entry field with autocomplete and filter options that help in narrowing down the list in the first place. Since it has more than ten options, dropdowns must be avoided.
6. This classic password kerfuffle
There is nothing more frustrating just like having unnecessary complex password requirements. It is hard to remember complicated passwords. This means that you end up wasting a lot of time as you create new passwords to replace the old ones.
Why is it a bad UX?
With the long list of requirements to create your password, it means that you spend unnecessary time and go through a lot of hassles for nothing. It is hard for users to recall the new long passwords. What happens is that users end up writing the password down or paste it into word documents. This is not safe compared to requesting them to create easy personal passwords. It is also a bad experience to type a password two times as you sign up for an account. Overall, complex passwords are bad UX.
7. 02's live-chat system
o2 encourages its users to make use of the live chat box to chat now instantly with their customer representatives. However, it does not account for the number that responds to every client. This makes clients be placed in a queue instead of having the ability to chat instantly with a customer representative as advertised.
Why is it a bad UX?
It is counterproductive to encourage customers to do something that you cannot deliver. What they do not put into consideration when advertising is that it takes a lot of people to make the system work. Until Chabot can deal with an angry client, it is good for a company to stick to what they can hire for. To set the right expectations for clients, email can do.
8. This Hulu app tab
There is a high number of users who are now using apps instead of conventional websites. This means that they do not access the full digital experience of the site or product. Hulu redirects people to a site in order to manage the Hulu plan. So, there is no need to have a tab in the app.
Why is it a bad UX?
With apps, it is a good practice to only have critical buttons on the menu option. This helps avoid an unnecessary amount of pixels. The designer of the app fails because they have added a page with no function other than just displaying copy. The designer fails to keep the feature requests as small as they should be.
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9. Fiverr's 5 start display
Instead of showing the number of stars in an explicit way, Fiverr goes against the standard UX conventions by deciding to represent a five-star rating with one star.
Why is it a bad UX?
Users used to the near standardization of an explicit number of stars showing the ratings might assume that the item in question only got a one-star rating. It is not good to have a star next to a number. To users, this is intuitive and it may not register as a rating to them. Even if it means trying to save space, this does not work well. It makes the users work extra hard to try to decipher the designer way of doing things.
10. The Juicero juicer
This is one of the bad UX because of being too complicated. The greatest mistake with this UX design is that you need a strong internet connection to use it. You are also supposed to download the app on either Android or Apple phone if you really want to know how to make juice.
Why is it a bad UX?
This is a bad UX because it focuses more on aesthetics more than practicality and functionality. Many conditions such as strong Wi-Fi, the use of a specific phone, and others make it unfriendly to users. There are too many requirements before the design becomes worth it for its users.
The final objective of a UX designer should be to create aesthetic and intuitive interfaces. It must generate trust, leading to more conversions. It is good to keep all the above mistakes that make a bad UX in mind to create a design that is of value to your end-users. Consider having a design that is not user-friendly, but one that can stand the test of time. Make sure you focus on the small details that matter than big things that may not matter to the end-users.