Wondershare Mockitt - Software Design Tool
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How to Create a Software Demo
A software demo or software demonstration is nothing more than a visual creation that shows the functionality of a piece of software before investing in the actual design and development phases. Previously, it was done on paper and then presented to a group of people who would provide feedback, ask questions, and give suggestions on how it can be improved.
This formal review process has now been replaced by digital tools for wireframing, designing, and prototyping. These three steps take a software application from the basic sketch stage to a fully functional prototype that looks and behaves like the actual end product.
For example, an accounting software demo might have interactive elements for tax calculations, fetching exchange rates, creating balance sheets, and so on. A school management software demo might show the stakeholders how the software can manage teacher schedules, classroom resource planning, and other aspects of running a school. Whatever the purpose, a software product demo can show all concerned parties how the product will work before a penny has been invested in actually developing it as a usable product.
The Best Tool to Create a Software Demo
Today, we 're showcasing a professional prototyping tool called Wondershare Mockitt to explain how to create a software demonstration that works like the real thing at the front end. Wondershare Mockitt brings years of design experience into a software program that can create realistic hi-fidelity prototypes for clients and other stakeholders to get a 'touch and feel' of the real program. With a rich asset library, easy design tools, dynamic interactions, a collaborative platform, and a robust feedback mechanism, it offers everything you need to create a realistic user interface for a software demo presentation - in-person or virtually.

How to Create a Software Demo
Step 1: Define the Parameters of the Software
For this step, you 'll have the help of the PRD or the product requirements document. This is usually given to the client in a questionnaire format or a simple form for them to fill out. It will contain all the minimum performance and feature requirements of the final software product and will act as your guide for the design phase.
Step 2: Design the Software UI and UX
The terms User Interface and User Experience, usually shortened to UI and UX, respectively, refer to how the software will appear and how it will interact with the user. The primary task of a designer is to create a user-friendly UI that delivers a positive UX factor. To design the software 's interface to these specifications, follow the steps shown below:
- First, create a new project and define the device type that it is meant for. This could be a computer monitor, a smart TV, a smartphone, a tablet, or even a connected watch.
- Start adding various elements to your initial screen, and create more screens to show different pages and different states for those pages. Page states are basically the different steps that the UI goes through when the user executes an action or triggers a function. The elements or widgets can be dragged and dropped from the vast asset library available in Wondershare Mockitt. Just drag them from the Fast Widget panel on the left or the full widget panel on the right.
- Once you have the components placed on all the pages, begin with the first screen and start linking the widgets on the screen to different pages that need to appear when those widgets are activated. Just pick up the link icon next to the widget (left side) and drag it to the target page. You can now add a transition, gesture or other type of interaction. Wondershare Mockitt allows you to use animation and other effects to make the interaction more realistic and perform like the real software would once it 's fully developed and tested.
- You can now add annotations or notes to your screens using the "Sticky" widget, which is basically a Sticky Note. This lets you describe various components that might not be clear to stakeholders when they preview them.
What you have at the end of this process is a fully functional and highly interactive prototype.
Step 3: Preview and Test the Prototype
In this stage, you will be previewing the design and checking all the components and links to make sure they meet the requirements outlined in the PRD. Use your project manager to vet the prototype and provide feedback on your design. They will be able to give valuable suggestions to make your software demo even more effective.
Step 4: Demonstrate the Software to the Client and Other Stakeholders
This is your time in the spotlight because it is where you will showcase your work and do the actual software demo you 've been preparing for. Make sure you take them through all the functions and features, and use your annotations to talk through the presentation. And be excited about your creation because you 've put a lot of work and effort into creating a masterpiece!
Of course, there 's a chance you won 't get to make the presentation at all. In such cases, you can simply generate a QR code or a URL to share with other stakeholders and let them try out the prototype for themselves. Sometimes, that 's a much better way to do it because the prototype will speak for itself and save you the effort of doing so.
To summarize, a software demo is simply a visual and interactive representation of how an application will appear and perform once it has been developed. The advantage of using Wondershare Mockitt to create your software demonstration is that the prototype is not just interactive but also comes with all the code elements that the developer will need to build the software. It automatically generates the HTML code and the style codes for platforms like the web, iOS, and Android so the developer can simply download everything they need.
This process, called the handoff, is usually a conflict-ridden one because the developer can 't inspect the code in many other design platforms. On the contrary, Wondershare Mockitt strengthens the handoff process by giving developers what they want and freeing the designers from the hassle of dealing with code elements, design specs, and other tasks not directly related to the creative process. Using Wondershare Mockitt, you can create simple or complex prototypes by giving both the designer and the developer the exact tools they need to do their jobs in an effective manner.