Mockitt - Best Tool for Hackthon

Hackathon - A Competition for Designers

  • Complete guide for beginners to know about Hackathon.
  • Useful tips and normal problems state for your competition.
  • Creative Hackathon ideas for your inspiration.
  • Ways to find and participate the Hackathon.

5 Hackathon Ideas for Mobile That’s Creative

For companies, hackathons are the best way to solve problems and find new employees. The old methods of searching for IT employees work less efficiently, so HR specialists are starting to use new formats for selecting candidates. One of these methods is the hackathon.

We have a list of 5 creative Hackathon ideas for mobile. These mobile app Hackathons ideas help to build successful communication between participants and organizers. Participants have a unique opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge in practice, gain new experience, get prizes, or work. The organizers solve the problems they faced in the company, get fresh ideas, prototypes, and contacts of people for an invitation to work.

What is a Hackathon?

Hackathon is an event during which specialists from different areas of software development (programmers, designers, managers) work together to solve a problem. Today hackathons are no longer hacking, they are just programming marathons. Usually, hackathons last from one day to a week. Some hackathons are designed for educational or social purposes, but more often the task of a hackathon is to create complete software. Each hackathon focuses on a specific area, for example, programming language, operating system, application programming interface (API).

hackathon ideas for mobile

Why are hackathons needed?

Hackathons are a great opportunity for designers, developers, and other professionals to get together and work on a project.

  1. Acquaintance: A hackathon is a meeting place for designers, developers, and other specialists, where they can get to know each other, exchange knowledge and ideas, or come up with a joint project that they will work on in the future.
  2. Community building: Hackathons help create networks of talented and active people interested in a particular topic or problem.
  3. Creative work process and collaboration: At the hackathon, participants have a unique opportunity to work in a free, convenient format for them, with specialists from those fields with which they may have never come across.
  4. New knowledge: The hackathon format assumes that participants are constantly faced with those tasks that they have not faced before. Accordingly, learning new things at hackathons happens very quickly, and the knowledge gained can immediately be used in practice. In addition, there are many people around who can help. For example, a person nearby can explain something in 10 minutes that would require watching a whole video course.
  5. Show of talent: For the participants, the hackathon is an opportunity to show how good they are.
  6. Implementation of new ideas: As a kind of platform for experiments, the hackathon allows you to come up with and implement completely new ideas and projects.
  7. Startup project scene: For companies, hackathons can be especially interesting because they are the scene of potentially successful startups with which to continue working.

5 creative Hackathon ideas for mobile

1. Restaurant Reservation App

A good restaurant has an 80-100% fit. The bad can have no more than 20%. But regardless of this, they provide the possibility of armor. It is very easy for the client to name the desired table if he has previously visited the establishment. But what about visitors who go to a restaurant for the first time in their lives? The app for simple booking is already there. But today we need a new approach. And adding functionality is not enough, since there are many points to consider.

mobile app hackathon

The essence of the application is to virtually display the interior and exterior of the restaurant. Thus, the user will be able to choose the most desirable place long before visiting. In addition, such an application must work in real-time. Thus, customers will be able to book a free seat half an hour before arrival and not waste time at the establishment.

2. Simple Parking App

More and more cities are reaching 10 points of traffic congestion. This suggests that the number of machines used is only increasing. In addition to traffic jams, this progress creates another problem: it is difficult for the driver to find a parking space. Indeed, in addition to the convenience of parking, traffic rules must also be taken into account.

mobile hackathon

Thus, we can often see how, due to improper parking, someone is fined or the car is taken to the parking lot. Any driver would love an app that finds a good parking spot for him, no matter the city or area. How to do it?

  • It is necessary to integrate traffic congestion from Google Maps into the application.
  • Give the app access to outdoor cameras.
  • Allow the use of vehicle geolocation.
  • Link the application to the packing database.

3. Mobile Designer

You don't have to look expensive these days. But in most cases, we really appreciate it if a person looks stylish. In addition, you need to choose a specific outfit for different events. But the problem is that each person is unique and he needs to select things of a certain type. For this reason, many stars have personal designers.

But the services of a designer are very expensive today, so not everyone can afford this. A mobile designer is an opportunity for everyone to always look good. The application needs the following data:

  1. growth;
  2. weight;
  3. skin tone;
  4. eye color;
  5. the most visited events;
  6. style preferences.

In addition, it is imperative to periodically take photos of the things the user is wearing. Thus, the mobile designer will help the user to always be stylish and attractive.

4. Preparation for Exams

Despite the harm done, the coronavirus pandemic has shown that so many things can be done remotely. The simplest example is preparing and passing exams. Most schools and universities around the world have decided not to call students, but to conduct the session online. For transparency and honesty, this involved software that prohibits the use of certain programs at the time of passing exams.

hackathon ideas for mobile apps

If you ask about the quality of the exams, you can get positive answers. But the preparation was more difficult due to the lack of materials and the difficulties of communication with fellow students, as well as teachers. That is why today it is necessary to create applications for preparing for exams with the following functionality:

  1. creation of online chats;
  2. supporting the necessary literature;
  3. the ability to call the teacher at certain hours;
  4. creation of collective presentations to get acquainted with the material or solve problems;
  5. passing preliminary tests.

Thus, students will be able to prepare for exams faster and better in any condition. Most importantly, they will have the opportunity to keep in touch with fellow students and teachers.

5. Synchronizing Phone Cameras

An application for simple life situations in which people take a hundred photos each due to the wrong angle, light, etc. When a professional photographer is taking a photo, he is able to control the shooting from the movements of the model to personal actions. But when the task of taking a photo for social networks like Facebook or Vkontakte fell on the shoulders of a friend, it takes a lot of time.

After each photo, you need to approach the photographer, watch the frame, and think about what is worth changing. This process can be simplified by syncing two cameras on different phones.

Thus, the model will be able to watch what is happening on the photographer's camera right at the moment of shooting. This will solve the problem with the choice of angle and background, and in some situations even help to correct the pose on the go.

The tool you can use in Hackathon

There are many mobile app prototyping and design tools out there to help you create beautiful products and bring your hackathon ideas for mobile to life. Compared to other prototyping tools, Wondershare Mockitt is a simple service that allows you to load screens already drawn in another program and place the necessary links. The service works on the basis of a drag-n-drop interface, as well as a package of tools for fast processing and works in the browser itself.

mobile hackathon ideas

Many experts call this unique tool a real designer's dream. With a huge library of components, the platform is used to create realistic prototypes. Mockitt is a powerful tool that provides powerful capabilities for the overall activities of team members. The tool is cloud-based and suitable for Windows and Mac OS. Mockitt makes it possible to significantly reduce the time and financial costs for designing and developing applications.

Mockitt prototyping tool boasts the following benefits:

  • being a lightweight vector tool for interface design, it can significantly save developer time;
  • has a nice price;
  • it integrates a powerful tool Layout Grid, very convenient for designing a structured pixel-perfect interface; the width of dividers and columns can be adjusted and changed at any time;
  • availability of source export option.